BLACKHALL CORPORATION INVITATION Blackhall & Associates World Travel Inc. March 26, 2021 THE SUBJECT: * WHAT CAN WE DO CONCERNING…? Back in June-August 2020, it was tabled and; the subject question [above] was presented concerning; * “ Jobs , Gun -violence, Sports or entertainments” as it relates to our youths? We had a brief discussion nonetheless, and it was left there. No one can dare say though; that nothing was done or being done regarding, as the the development of these BAWT affiliate program, & CK-Kuya Projects do show that each one and together has or had played their part. WORKING TOWARDS < OUR SAFE COMMUNITIES’ QUEST > JOIN OUR CK-KUYA < SOCIAL MEDIA NETWORK > Thank you for your follow up. Make it a Wonderful day, looking towards a COVID-FREE Summer...